Monday, December 30, 2019

Essay on The Outsiders - 1554 Words

The Outsiders ‘The Outsiders’ is written by S.E. Hinton. It is set in the 1960s in a town in the USA. It is about the conflict of the two main teenager gangs called the Socs (short for Socials) and the Greasers. The Socs live on the West side where they live a supposedly better life with everything that they want and the Greasers live on the East side with nothing much but anger and jealousy about the Socs who always seem to be privileged in every way. The conflict (a state of disharmony between incompatible or antithetical persons, ideas, or interests; a clash.) remains strong because of the dissatisfaction of the opposing gangs with their lives. Socs and Greasers are separated into two different groups mainly because of†¦show more content†¦This is the conversation between a Soc and a Greaser, the two opposing gangs. Cherry says that the Greasers only envy the Socs and think they have everything they want, but they know nothing about their worries, â€Å"We have troubles you have never heard of†¦ Things are rough all over.† (Cherry, Ch.3, page 42). Randy tells Pony that it is no use fighting in rumbles because Socs will forget even if they win or don’t. All the killing and fighting will not change a thing about their identities, â€Å"Greasers will still be Greasers and Socs will still be Socs. Sometimes I think that it’s the ones in the middle who are the lucky stiffs.† (Randy, Ch.7, page 125) Cherry and Randy humanize the Socs when talking to Pony, explaining the things to him so that he understands that the Socs might not be as lucky as he used to think they were. Although there is conflict between the Socs and the Greasers, there is also conflict between the individuals in the novel. Darry often blames things on Pony for his lack of common sense, while Pony thinks that Darry is a natural leader of the Greasers but really bossy and nagging him all the time. Pony always thinks that Darry only cares about Soda and treats him like a kid instead of like he is fourteen years old. Darry was great at school but he had to give up his opportunity for going to college because his parents died in a car crash. Now he hangs onto two jobs to keep the family together. Despite this, PonyShow MoreRelatedThe Outsiders : The Outsiders By S. E. Hinton749 Words   |  3 Pages The Outsiders Essay The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton is about two groups of kids the greasers and the Socs. The Socs are the rich kids who drive expensive cars and wear expensive clothes and the greasers are considered the bums. They don’t have money and they don’t get whatever they want, they also have to work extra hard to get to where they want to be. If you are considered a greaser you are a muffin and the Socs are the cupcakes. Everybody would prefer a cupcake over a muffin, butRead MoreThe Outsiders and Johnny1648 Words   |  7 PagesTHE OUTSIDERS Study Guide Answers Chapters 1-2 1. Identify Darry, Sodapop, and Ponyboy by giving at least 3 descriptions of each. †¢ Darry – oldest brother, 20, roofer, former football player †¢ Sodapop – middle brother, 16, dropout, works at gas station †¢ Ponyboy – youngest brother, 14, good grades, runs track 2. How are Greasers different from Socs? †¢ the way they dress †¢ money †¢ how they express their emotions 3. Who were other members of Pony’s gang? †¢ Two-BitRead MoreThe Outsiders Essay1418 Words   |  6 PagesThe Outsiders Essay – Describe an interesting theme from a text you have studied. Explain why this theme is interesting. In the novel â€Å"The Outsiders† by S.E Hinton an important theme is family and friendship. 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The only problem is that Ponyboy, Soda, and Darry had to stay out of trouble. This is until Johnny kills a soc. Everything goes crazy. It is Ponyboy’s job to figure out the true meaning of green eyes. The Outsiders was a page turner. I was captured by the messages that it revealed as I read further and further. In the beginning of the story the novel started out saying , When I stepped out into the bright sunlight from the darkness of the movie house, I hadRead MoreAnalysis Of The Book The Outsiders 906 Words   |  4 PagesThe Outsiders by S.E.Hilton is one of the most well-known books of all time. S.E. Hilton was born in July 22, 1948 in Tulsa, Oklahoma. She wrote the book, when she was fifteen, and it was published during a first year in college at the University of Tulsa (Hinton). The book made a huge impact. The book sold more than 14 million copies, and it’s the number one selling young adult book in history (Hinton). She would become really popular, and she would be would be known as â€Å"The Voice of the YouthRead MoreAnalysis Of The Outsiders714 Words   |  3 Pagesgreasers do for each other: they stick up for one another and build a supportiv e community. In the story, The Outsiders, by SE Hinton, the book is about Ponyboy and his gang taking care of each other because there gang is that they fight against the Socs. The characters and actions of this story create a supportive community Kindness and Loyalty. To begin with, characters and actions in The Outsiders prove the kindness creates a supportive community. For example, the character Cherry proves when she thanksRead MoreThe Outsiders Essay809 Words   |  4 Pagesï » ¿The Outsiders In class we have been reading a novel called ‘The Outsiders’ by S E Hilton. This book was published forty years ago and is still popular because it has an interesting theme and characters as well. The book was set in the 1960’s in Tulsa, Oklahoma, America. This book is about a boy named Ponyboy Curtis and his brothers and his gang. Ponyboy is from a gang called the greasers. The greasers are enemies with the socs who are the rich kids. Ponyboy is good friends with Johnny Cade, whoRead MoreOutsiders Reflection on Difference783 Words   |  3 PagesThe thing that makes a person a person. We would all be the same if differences never existed, not only differences in physical features, but personality, humor, and sincerity. In the book The Outsiders by SE Hinton, there are many details, some of minor significance, some not as trivial. The movie The Outsiders, produced the endowed Francis Coppolas undiluted ingenuity, the director of the fine movie, contains these essential details obviously, but also adds in some lesser minutiae that was not mentionedRead MoreEssay on The Outsiders912 Words   |  4 PagesThe Outsiders The title of the story is The Outsiders. S.E. Hinton wrote it. Dell Publishing published the book. The main characters include Ponyboy, Darry, Soadapop, Dally Winston, Johnny, Cherry, Two-Bit, and Marcia. This story is about a guy names Ponyboy who is a â€Å"greaser†, a member of a group of lower-class youths who wear their hair long and greasy, wear jeans and ripped-up T-shirt, and are at odds with the rich-kid bullies known as the â€Å"Socs†, shorter name for socials. One day, as

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Essay about Content Analysis Of Gender Stereotypes in...

Research Assignment 2: A Content Analysis on Gender Stereotype Usage in Magazines Research Question It only takes a second to attach a strong feeling or idea to a character in a movie, advertisement, or video game. Many characterization used are based on the assumed stereotypes, and are usually one-dimensional characters. Typically, these characterizations usually come from inherited family values, education, and the media. While stereotypes existed long before mass media, the media machine certainly helped to accelerate the cultural growth of all kinds of stereotypes. It is beyond this paper to answer why magazines employ these gender stereotypes, instead this research is designed to analyze†¦show more content†¦Besides that, I will also be looking out for writing in the magazines’ editorial content that suggest gender stereotype. Lastly, ads will be looked as the type of product and lifestyle associated with said product that is being depicted may show gender stereotypes. For this research, the unit of observation are magazines as obviously will be making my observations in magazines. What are the reasons for choosing this medium? Convenience, easy to secure, and also it is quite easy to analyse compared to other mediums. However, there is one important criterion for magazines, such as they have to be in English language as it will be important in identifying gender stereotyping in the writing. Though, there are criteria that are not important to me such as the genre (men’s and women’s magazine) and also, the magazines will not be filtered in terms of their release date Sample The next step is securing a list of the all unit of observation, the magazines. The sampling method that I would use is for this research would be random selection. My sampling frame for the research would be British Columbia, because of lack of resources. To acquire a list of magazines, I would first go to libraries and check the archives to get listings for magazines of all genres. As I already mentioned, I would be interested inShow MoreRelatedA Modern Wall Street Journal Survey1537 Words   |  7 Pagesorder to address the research propositions of the study, the encore needed a method for mention the types of pistillate portrayals featuring in the context of consumer magazine advertisements. Content analysis was chosen for it is the best at providing â€Å"a scientific, quantitative, and generalizable description of communications content† (Kassarjian, 1977, p. For example, the advertisement for Stove Master, a very-cleaning oven quarantine the women as a housewife with in the domestic sphere. However,Read MoreGender Stereotypes In The Media1207 Words   |  5 Pages Gender Stereotypes are everywhere in the world. This paper will focus on the formation of Gender stereotypes through different media sources. 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Friday, December 13, 2019

Dostoevsky and Maslow Needs in Life, How They Are Prioritized, and the Exceptions Free Essays

Dostoevsky has written, â€Å"Without a clear perception of his reasons for living, man will never consent to live, and will rather destroy himself than tarry on earth, though he be surrounded with bread.† (The Grand Inquisitor) With indirect opposition, Maslow’s idea on these needs is stated in his quote, â€Å"A person lacking food, love, and self-esteem, would most likely hunger for food more strongly than anything else.† A number of instances stand as evidence to both Maslow and Dostoevsky’s statements. We will write a custom essay sample on Dostoevsky and Maslow: Needs in Life, How They Are Prioritized, and the Exceptions or any similar topic only for you Order Now First let us look at the claim Fyodor Dostoevsky has made. The Bible also has three references for a very similar idea. Scripture has expressed, in Deuteronomy 8:3, Matthew 4:4, and Luke 4:4, that ‘Man does not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’ (The Bible) All individuals have accepted the Bible as truth would feel this way and therefore approach life’s needs as Dostoevsky. The act of fasting is also an example of how Fyodor’s statement might come into play during an individual’s life. Another group of individuals who might be observed to follow the Dostoevsky idea would be those who are suffering from serious mental disorders. A loss of regular and proper diet is a symptom of severe cases of depression, anxiety, and stress. (MayoClinic) They become so focused on their struggle to overcome these feelings, of being lost, or alone, or unorganized, and unsafe, that the priority of food becomes pushed aside. But in Maslow’s Pyramid the feelings of safety and organization, love and belonging, are all placed higher, or less important, than the need to satisfy hunger. (Myers) Order of prioritization is the foundation of contradiction between the two statements. Abraham Maslow’s idea seems to be more realistic to a majority of the remaining population. How is it reasonable to think a person would have the capability to even find their identity or â€Å"the purpose in life† without the energy supplied by fulfilling basic needs, like eating? This was a common reaction I heard from peers and adults after telling of Dostoevsky’s statement. Gandhi said, â€Å"Even God cannot talk to a starving man except in terms of bread.† (Aldrich) Some needs take priority over others. (Myers) Our brain causes us to have feelings of motivation for needs; the most concrete are physiological needs, like our drive to eat. It would be unhealthy and tiring to suppress and ignore your bodies drive to eat while you find your identity. In extreme measures you could even die doing this. As we can see, neither Maslow nor Dostoevsky’s claims can be applied to human beings as an entirety, as there are exceptions. The differences and personal circumstances attached to individuals are all too different. Even Abraham Maslow himself recognized that not all personalities followed his proposed hierarchy of needs. (Huitt) We have discovered though, that both of our statements tend to be more applicable to one group over the other. Religious individuals would be highly likely to side with Dostoevsky’s views, where as people who do not value an identity outside their own would agree with Maslow’s prioritization of needs. To build off of Abraham Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, it has been proposed, (Norwood) a joint effort of trying to satisfy a single level of a need is also learning how to continue to satisfy this need. During this process an individual is forming part of their identity by developing and adopting a personalized method of reaching a need. For example, people at the esteem level seek out empowering information, and those at the safety level would need helping information. If Norwood’s more currently proposed statement, that finding identity and satisfying needs are interrelated, is correct, then Maslow and Dostoevsky would both hart part in creating one universal statement. As for now, Fyodor Dostoevsky and Abraham Maslow’s statements of needs in life and how they are prioritized stand separately. Across humanity, some people accept one over the other as true. In my research for the paper, I have been able to loosely affiliate certain groups of people with Maslow or Dostoevsky’s claims. A number of instances stand as evidence to both statements. Each idea is held accountable in the correct situations. It is not a surprise to me how the controversy of deciding on a dominant idea has not been settled. How to cite Dostoevsky and Maslow: Needs in Life, How They Are Prioritized, and the Exceptions, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Multiculturalism Views From Anthropology

Question: Discuss about the Multiculturalism Views From Anthropology. Answer: Introduction: Multiculturalism has no exact definition because it solely depends on the contexts in which it is being used. As the audience increase due to efforts made by many people in making their voices heard, so does the definition changes. However, it revolves around the analysis of diverse perspectives as a result of different life experiences by people as well as the background such as gender, race, ethnicity and social class that people come from. Therefore multiculturalism involves the acceptance of several different cultures. This leads to diversity which affects the demographics of the people. The multicultural communities are experienced in schools, neighborhood, cities and business areas (Lcke et al., 2014). It is advocated that multicultural people be given equal benefits and opportunities irrespective of their religious, racial or ethnic origins. Moreover, freedom, respect and equity are central to a multicultural community. It is important to appreciate the fact that globalization has made the world to come at a close range than before. This has made many cultures to come together to come close and live together so that they experience a multicultural platform (Rhoads and Valadez, 2016). This leads to a situation whereby the different cultures help people to work together in a healthy manner. Multiculturalism is associated with bringing learning, healthy living and celebrations in any other environment. It is also important to understand that multiculturalism comes alongside with some negative effects. For instance, there are some people in the society who might not be willing to learn and accept cultures from other people (Prato, 2016). Therefore these people will spearhead rebellions to alien cultures whereby the judge people based on their religious, racial, cultural and ethnic beliefs. In the end, these bigots may be the perpetrators of riots, fights and tension in multicultural communities. However, considering these facts, it is evident that the benefits associated with multiculturalism are greater as compared to the challenges. Reference List Lcke, G., Kostova, T. and Roth, K., 2014. Multiculturalism from a cognitive perspective: Patterns and implications. Journal of International Business Studies, 45(2), pp.169-190. Prato, G.B. ed., 2016. Beyond multiculturalism: views from anthropology. Routledge. Rhoads, R.A. and Valadez, J.R., 2016. Democracy, multiculturalism, and the community college: A critical perspective (Vol. 1081). Routledge.